Faith, Family and Failure.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The last beer I had...

The last beer I had was the night Trish and I celebrated our anniversary. I can't remember what it was for sure. Perhaps an Artois. Not the point really. Not sure I have a point. I just know that in the last 2 years my beers have been few and far between and that seems to make them mean a whole lot more than all-the-time beers. You know, the beers I drank for 3 years before 2 years ago. Anyways, what was my point? Oh, oh yeah. Wait, no. Ok, the last beer I had was comepletely ruined by a man whose name I can't remember. He was a lawyer visiting his daughter. Her 21st.
We met in a dimly lit pink bar/sushi joint on that road that starts as Rural and turns into whatever. Trish and I had just visited our oldest mutual friends, the kind I see less often than I have a beer. I tried to drink a beer with them, but didn't get to finish because we all went outside. Drinks aren't allowed outside the way cigarettes aren't allowed inside. Afterward, we (Trish and I) were looking forward to spending some time together, reminiscing and what not. But what's-his-face ruined that, with his yelling, his "commanding, booming voice that took so many years of training." I don't remember his name, not for the life of me. He was trained by "some little judge named Rehnquist, guess he became a somebody on the east coast". What's-his-face, I wish you would've at least paid for my beer. I really thought that's where our conversation was headed that night. If I could go back and do it all over again, I'd tip you over.
What's my point? I'm not sure. I know that the next time I have a beer, he won't be there. On days like today, that makes me happy.

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I could be in Mensa if my brain wasn't shot all to heck.